Jquery Range Slider

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Use data-plugin="asRange" to make a default slider range.Add data-range="true", data-tip=true, ...to change mode or add tooltip...

With Tooltip
Input With Range

Select 2

Official Website
Basic Usage

Create a basic select2 by using data-plugin="select2".


Add multiple to create a multi select2.


You can define placeholder easily by using data-placeholder="Select a State"

Minimum input

Custom Search, texts input with min length by using data-minimum-input-length="2"


Use disabled to set disabled state. data-minimum-input-length="2"

Bootstrap Tags Input

Official Website
Basic Tags

Just add data-role="tagsinput" to your input field to automatically change it to a tags input field.

True Multi Value

Use a <select multiple /> as your input element for a tags input, to gain true multivalue support. Instead of a comma separated string, the values will be set in an array. Existing <option /> elements will automatically be set as tags. This makes it also possible to create tags containing a comma.

Input group Tags

You can also use group tag data-role="tagsinput" to your input field.




Official Website
Basic multiselect

Use a select multiple as your input element.

Public Methods

Use a select multiple as your input element.


Official Website
Basic Usage

When initializing a typeahead, you pass the plugin method one or more datasets. The source of a dataset is responsible for computing a set of suggestions for a given query.

Bloodhound (Suggestion Engine)

Suggestion Engine - For more advanced use cases, rather than implementing the source for your dataset yourself, you can take advantage of Bloodhound, the typeahead.js suggestion engine.


Prefetched data is fetched and processed on initialization. If the browser supports local storage, the processed data will be cached there to prevent additional network requests on subsequent page loads.

Default Suggestions

Default suggestions can be shown for empty queries by setting the minLength option to 0 and having the source return suggestions for empty queries..

Multiple Datasets

Use multiple datasets like this

Scrollable Dropdown Menu

You can use scrollable drowdown

Maxlength Control

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max-length set to 35.


max-length set to 100.

Bootstrap Touchspin

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With Postfix
With Prefix
Vertical Button
Custom Icons


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Use data-plugin="clockpicker" create it.

Auto Close

Add data-autoclose="true" to open the autoclose.

jquery Timepicker

Official Website

Use data-plugin="timepicker" create a basic timepicker.


Adding data-min-time, data-max-time, data-show-duration="true" to set the duration.

Set Current time

You can set current time.

Bootstrap Datepicker

Official Website
Basic Datepicker

Add data-plugin="datepicker" to create a default datepicker. use data-multidate="true" to selecting multi dates.

Date Range

Set name="start" and name="end" for date


You also can set the datepicker to be inline and flat.

Jquery Strength

Official Website

Use data-plugin="strength" to make a password strength validation.

Show Password

Jquery Knob

Official Website

Use data-plugin="knob" init plugin, and also can set options with attributes 'data-option'.

Disable display input
Display previous value
Cursor Mode
Angle offset
Angle offset Arc
4 digit Value Steps 1000


Official Website

Add data-plugin="labelauty" to use it.

Labeled Checkbox
Labeled Radio
Non-Labeled Checkbox
Non-Labeled Radio